School Security

The protection of schools and educational institutions, at any level, requires special planning and consideration for both real and perceived threats.
There are no safe zones. If someone has it in their mind to cause problems, assault, or otherwise attack an educational institution, they are likely to find a way, in spite of the best protection programs.
There is no room for error. Institutions must properly assess their state of preparedness, consistently coordinate emergency response with local agencies, and regularly conduct emergency exercises, including lock-down drills, evacuations, and other defensive strategies. Layne Consultants International works with schools and educational institutions of every size and scope to assist in the proper formulation of workable solutions, sound preventive measures, and reasonable methods to deter or defend against most threats.
Our team of experts evaluate existing policies and procedures, review emergency plans, meet with local agencies, interview key stakeholders, observe daily operations, evaluate electronic systems and other countermeasures, and then offer prioritized recommendations for protection. We are also available at any location and may provide last minute (crisis response) services based on current schedules.